Thanks for voting! The voting is now closed.
Lexiophiles and invite you to vote for the best blog of the iX13 ‘Top 100 International eXchange and eXperience Blogs’ competition (also known as IX). Give your vote to the most exciting, inspiring, open-minded blogger writing about his or her experience abroad.
Voting will be open to anyone until February 17th.
The winners will be announced on February 20th
You can find more information about the competition here.
Get the voting button for your blog here.
We broke last year’s record counting a total of 260 blog nominations! You will find blogs from all over the world, written in English, German, Polish, Portuguese, Arabic, Spanish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish and French. Now it’s time to vote for your favorite blog!
How to vote? Search for your favorite blog (blogs are sorted from A to Z) and click on it and then hit the vote button on the bottom of the list.
Remember: You can only vote once!
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.